Biker Bodie is too old to cross Canada

Biker Bodie is too old to cross Canada
Question is, are we?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June 23

Morale in campground poor this morning. Fellow campers on their way to the loo walk shoulders slumped, hoodies up. It's the constant drip.
We have a condensation issue in the tent no doubt a result of yesterday's flood and the moist air. Grant wiped down the walls and ceiling of the tent.
Last night went to plan B with dinner with Donna & Norm. Pit party out. Pub with beer and fish and yam fries in. Good!
Getting into bed, the bedding felt damp and cold. This morning found the creatures had come back and had a go at the Jiffy Pop and pulled it out from the box & nibbled. Must be bigger than a mouse. A raccoon?
Hanging with Donna and it's great. Gib says we've done 1000 k since we left home & there's a long way to go. But we knew BC would be the visiting part and I'm enjoying helping D. make butter chicken whilst drinking beer. Yum! Okay, actually I'm on the computer drinking beer, but D. says that's okay for abit. Gib and Norm off in the bush somewhere doing a site visit re: Norm's work.
Heading out tomorrow headed east.
Received an email from my daughter Kate whose colleague Billy hooked us up with his dad Bill Sr. in Nova Scotia. Bill Sr's a motorcycle instructor and clearly a generous and friendly guy. Look forward to meeting him.


  1. Great fun to follow you guys, I tried and failed to send a comment yesterday. Said that you could head to New Mexico next time because we don't get much rain. Last night it started to rain and it is still coming down. Not hard but some.
    Ride safe.

  2. How can Moral be low, if your drinking someone else beer? Ride safe u2

  3. Rain here... my lawn is singing... hope it's dry for you two

