Biker Bodie is too old to cross Canada

Biker Bodie is too old to cross Canada
Question is, are we?

Saturday, June 13, 2009


4 days until departure and it's hard to sleep with a busy mind.
We are resorting to nightly warm milk, a good way to induce geri sleep.

Joining friends for a weekend ride to Salt Spring/Victoria, home Sunday. Good distraction to stop obsessing about packing choices & missing my dog.
We will have one full day at home to review the list prior to departure. Gib opened his eyes this morning and said "chain spray".


  1. What a wonderful trip that is going to be. Take in all that you can along the ride and just savour the enjoyment of it all.

  2. LOL.. yup. And so the mind goes into overdrive in order to remember all the last minute things. Course ~ you could just bring a credit card and buy things as you go. Start out empty - end up full and mailing things home. *wink* ld

  3. Hi Grant&Jill
    Thanks for the phone call nice to hear from you both, Debb say's Hi and I will check the house again today, will make a trip to salt spring today. Take care ride safe.
    Hugs Gary&Debb

